Parade to the Gates of Truax, Saturday Feb. 29 – no F-35s!

We showed up for Clean Water and Safe Skies!!!

Saturday, February 29th
12:00 to 2:00pm



Wisconsin State Journal: Hundreds march on Truax Field to protest basing F-35s in Madison 

Channel 27 WKOW: Demonstrators march to Truax Field gates against F-35s in Madison

Channel 3000: Hundreds march against F-35 fighter jets

VIDEO on Facebook

Mass mobilization of visible and peaceful opposition to the basing of F-35 war planes at Truax Field.

The parade and presence at the gates of Truax sends a clear message to the Air Force and local proponents that there truly is widespread community concern; that large numbers of people across Madison and Dane County do not want the jets here.


These organizations have been supportive of Safe Skies Clean Water Wisconsin efforts:

American Federation of Teachers – Wisconsin
Barrymore Theater
Building Unity Wisconsin
Citizens for Safe Water Around Badger
City of Madison & Dane County Homeless Issues Committee
Eastmorland Neighborhood Association
Eken Park Neighborhood Association
Emerson East Neighborhood Association of Madison
Families for Justice – Dane County
Family Farm Defenders
First Unitarian Society of Madison
Four Lakes Green Party
Friends of Starkweather Creek
Harambee Village Doulas
Interfaith Peace Working Group
James Reeb Unitarian Universalist Justice Leadership Team
Madison Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
Madison Arcatao Sister City Project
Madison Area Urban Ministry
Madison Chapter of the National Organization for Women
Madison Friends Meeting – Quakers
Madison School Board
Madison, WI Institutes for the Healing of Racism
Marquette Neighborhood Association
Midwest Environmental Advocates
Midwest Environmental Justice Organization (MEJO)
Mother’s Milk Alliance
No New Stadium – Madison
Northside Planning Council
People’s Green New Deal
Physicians for Social Responsibility Wisconsin
P.O.W.E.R.S – Pregnancy Options, Wisconsin – Education, Resources, and Support
Progressive Dane
Safe Skies Action Faction
Schenk-Atwood-Starkweather-Yahara Neighborhood Association
Solidarity Realty
SouthWest Wisconsin Area Progressives
The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 171
United Faculty Academic Staff (AFT 223 Union) at UW Madison
Veterans for Peace-Madison
WI Chapter of National Association of Social Workers
Wild Warner: Advocates of Wildlife and Nature
Wisconsin Environmental Health Network
Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice
Wisconsin Greens
Wisconsin Network for Peace, Justice & Sustainability