Harm to Children
F-35 Fighter jets will have a disproportionate effect on children. There is a great deal of information below to support this.
In Madison:
- Madison Metropolitan School District Resolution
- Madison City Council resolution opposing F-35s Truax File # 57364v2
- From Physicians for Social Responsibility Wisconsin (PSR-WI)-Website: F-35’s & Truax Air Field — PSR Wisconsin
From the Air Force Final_F-35A_EIS_Executive_Summary_Feb_2020
Table ES-2. Summary of Impacts
Environmental Justice and the Protection of Children
Installation: There would be significant disproportionate impacts to low-income and minority populations as well as children. The increase in noise exposure to the south of the airport would disproportionately impact low-income areas and the increase in noise exposure to the east of the airport would disproportionately impact a low-income minority population. In addition, the Proposed Action could disproportionately impact children.
1) Viet SM, Dellarco M, Dearborn DG & Neitzel R. Assessment of noise exposure to children: considerations for the National Children’s study. Published in final edited form as: J Pregnancy Child Health. 2014 October ; 1(1): . doi:10.4172/2376-127X.1000105.
2) What Do We Know about Noise Sensitivity in Autism? June 15, 2015, Marina Sarris, Interactive Autism Network at Kennedy Krieger Institute: Interactive Autism Network: Linking the Autism Community and Researchers 3
3) Noise: A Hazard for the Fetus and Newborn, American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Environmental Health, PEDIATRICS Vol. 100 No. 4 October 1997
4) Noise Exposure and Public Health, Willy Passchier-Vermeer and Wim F.Passchier, EnvironHealthPerspect108(suppl1):123- 131(2000) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1637786/pdf/envhper00310-0128.pdf
5) From the current EPA on noise and children for parents
Noise and Its Effects on Children https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015- 07/documents/ochp_noise_fs_rev1.pdf
For elementary kids: Listen Up Play It Safe With Your Ears Play It Safe With Your Health https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-07/documents/ochp_noise_elem_book.pdf: While at school, sound can cause you to: • Have trouble concentrating • Become frustrated when you can’t hear • Not think clearly • Have difficulty hearing your teacher and classmates • While at play, the sound is too loud if: • You can’t hear the person next to you • It shakes or vibrates your body • You hear a ringing sound in your ears after exposure to loud sounds.
And here in Madison, WI, an early warning cry for the children from PSR-WI Member, Beth Neary: If we care about children, we should oppose F-35s in Madison
More articles
“Noise Pollution: A Modern Plague,” Lisa Goines, RN and Louis Hagler, MD.
More Academic Journals:
Fisher M, Arbuckle T, et al, Concentration of persistent organic pollutants. Environmental Health (2016) 15:59. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34273825/
Rappezzo, et al. Exposure to Perfluorinated Alkyl Substances. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, June 27, 2017. Includes an everything to know about PFA’S: EverythingtoKnow
Papadopoulou, et al. Exposure of Norwegian Toddlers to PFAS. Environment International, 94, September 2016. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27453094/
Recent Legal Action:
- From Washington State: https://saveourskiesvt.org/local-activists-win-lawsuit-against-navy-jet-noise/
- More on the Growler noise legal case at Ebeys Reserve, WA: https://citizensofebeysreserve.com/2021/12/11/federal-magistrate-sides-with-coer-and-wa-state/
- Report and recommendations that include the harms to children, from the report:
“With respect to the impact of this increased operation on childhood learning, the Navy acknowledged numerous studies that concluded that aircraft noise would measurably impact learning but then arbitrarily concluded that because it could not quantify exactly how the increased operations would interfere with childhood learning, no further analysis was necessary”: NoiseHarmRecommendation, please goto page 13., C. Impacts on Child learning: (Case 2:19-cv-01059-RAJ-JRC Document 109 Filed 12/10/21 Page 13 of 38)
Two Other Organized Community Websites, from Vermont and Washington State organized against flyovers:
- South Burlington, Winooski, Vermont: https://saveourskiesvt.org/
- Audio talking about children and affected community: https://share.transistor.fm/s/569a74c7 (32 minutes)
- Washington State’s Whidbey Island is home to important historic areas, including the Ebey’s Landing National Historic Reserve (“Ebey’s Reserve”) and the Central Whidbey Island Historic District (the “Central Historic District”). The website: https://citizensofebeysreserve.com/