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The Final F-35 EIS is a total sham – MEJO

February 23, 2020 – Midwest Environmental Justice Organization

The public comment process for the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for basing F-35s at Madison’s Truax Air National Guard base was not only token—it was a total sham.

According to the Final F-35 EIS (released on February 19), 5,706 comments were received from the public and agencies on the Draft EIS (for the Madison F-35 basing only). Commenters expressed numerous critical health, safety, environmental, socioeconomic, environmental justice and other concerns about siting high-tech F-35 war machines in Madison at the 115th Fighter Wing at Truax Field.

The Final EIS is barely different than the Draft EIS. It is almost the same length, and there are only a few additional sentences and sections. Here’s a table outlining changes or additions in the Final EIS document.[1]

Are we to believe that these minimal changes reflect meaningful or sufficient responses to the comments and questions of 5,706 people and government agencies? Of course they don’t.

Most comments were ignored or dismissed and therefore not addressed at all in the Final EIS document.

This pretty much sums up how token the EIS process was. But if you are interested in more details, read on…

Full article here