War Abolition Walk – Jan 21, 10:00 am in Madison
51st Week of the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Join us for any part of this walk.
As of 1/9/23 the UNHCR reports 6,952 deaths and 11,144 injuries of Ukrainian civilians, and millions of refugees. As in any war, there is evidence of widespread atrocities, including gender atrocities, destruction of means of livelihood, ecological devastation.
From Rev. Mike McBride, Pastor, The Way Christian Center, Berkeley, CA:
“…our task is to help make the connection to the [US] citizens that we [need] to achieve peace without relying on forms of violence; make the connection between domestic policies and the international use of violence and wars as a way to achieve peace.
In this country, we are still relying on legalized violence through law enforcement, and we are so dependent on guns to imagine [how else] safety and protection look like; and this creates a predisposition for too many people to then find it totally within reason to depend on violence in other contexts.
This is a moral crisis, but also a crisis of governance.”
UPDATE: Here’s a photo from Saturday, January 21 as we celebrate the life and work of MLK and the anniversary of the UN Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Many, many people were interested and supportive and we ran out of flyers to hand out!
- 10:00 am – meet in front of the Barrymore Theater, 2090 Atwood Ave
- 10:15 – walk on Atwood Ave/Fair Oaks Ave to Garver Feed Mill, 3241 Garver Green (1.1m)
- 10:45 – banner and leaflet at Garver Feed Mill, Winter Farmers Market location
- 11:30 – walk to Stefania’s house for a showing of excerpts from RootsAction webinar with India Walton from Buffalo, Rev Mike McBride & Former Ohio Senator Nina Turner, and a Christmas homily by Rev Barber of the Poor People’s Campaign
Connect with us: We are Madison for a World BEYOND War, a new chapter of World BEYOND War, a global movement to end all wars. Email us at: warabolition@gmail.com.