Nov 14@1: DG Study Group & PFAS Advisory Committee Meeting
The first Wisconsin PFAS Advisory Committee (WisPAC) meeting will follow the DG Study Group meeting
PFAS = Per and Poly Fluoroalkyl Substances]
The meeting will be held from 1 – 3pm at: State Natural Resources Building (GEF 2), 101 S. Webster St., Room: G09
Madison, Wisconsin 53703 (Dane County)
“Executive Order #40 directs the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to create the PFAS Coordinating Council (now known as the Wisconsin PFAS Action Council or WisPAC) in partnership with other state agencies. WisPac will develop and coordinate statewide initiatives to address the growing public health and environmental concerns regarding PFAS.
All WisPAC meetings are open to the public. Further opportunities for stakeholder and citizen feedback will be available through the development of external advisory committees.”
Detailed information: The Wisconsin PFAS Advisory Committee (WisPAC) is composed of state agencies charged with developing and coordinating statewide initiatives to address the growing PFAS health and environmental concern. It was established via Governor Evers’ Executive Order #40. A public web page will be made available in advance of the meeting with meeting materials. There will be a set amount of time at the end of the meeting for questions or input from the public.
This meeting includes a public input period at the end. It will likely be too short, and token, but it could be a place for F-35 folks to go and demand that DNR make Truax ANG fully investigate and clean up their PFAS before any construction begins for the F-35s (slated to start next year).
The DNR has put out some documents suggesting they will hold the Air National Guard accountable, but in my experience over the last couple of decades, I am cynical about how meaningful these threats are. They are often just token slaps on the wrist that are meant to look good for the public but then the DNR goes into back rooms and makes deals with the polluter and things continue to drag along, same as before.