
Noise Abatement Failure – The People Sacrifice Again – Steve Klafka

Noise Abatement Failure – The People Sacrifice Again

Dane County has failed to create an effective noise abatement program
Steve Klafka  |  Feb 21, 2020  |  The Cap Times


Boycott Dane County Airport

No Madison Airport

Dear Editor: With the pending decision to bring F-35 fighter jets to Truax Field, hundreds of Madison homeowners have learned of secret avigation easements which waive their rights to sue the airport for noise or air pollution or any other damages resulting from overhead flights, regardless of any changes in the number or type of aircraft. These easements are a sad reflection on county leadership.

The airport chose to bribe residents with paltry avigation easements rather than pay for actual improvements to reduce noise exposure. Many airports reduce their noise impacts by either relocating residents or funding new doors, windows, insulation and air conditioning. For example, the Minneapolis Airport currently provides each home owner up to $20,000 for noise mitigation. Additionally, Minneapolis extends its assistance to homes within a lower 60-decibel DNL noise level, while our county airport continues to use the outdated 50-year old 65-decibel level. It isn’t like the county airport is hurting for money.


Just last year, $40 million was spent on upgrades including better bathrooms. A short time ago my neighborhood association met with airport leaders and County Executive Joe Parisi to explain the shortcomings of the airport’s noise program. Alas, our concerns and recommendations fell on deaf ears. Now that dangerously loud F-35 fighter jets will be forced on us, the failure of the county airport to create an effective noise abatement program will increase the harm to Madison residents.

Steven Klafka


  1. Airport neighbors want county exec to help turn the noise down
    BILL NOVAK | The Capital Times | bnovak@madison.com Oct 8, 2012
  2. Grass Roots: Neighborhood groups ask Joe Parisi to do something about airport noise
    PAT SCHNEIDER | The Capital Times | pschneider@madison.com Oct 9, 2012
  3. F-35s: Easements could lock homeowners out of noise reduction programs
    Chris Hubbuch | Wisconsin State Journal Feb 7, 2020

  • SASY,Schenk-Atwood-Starkweather-Yahara, Neighborhood Association letter to Parisi from 2012 when we asked for noise abatement improvements

SASYNA Letter to Joe Parisi with Airport Noise Control Recommendations,8oct12

  • Schenk-Atwood-Starkweather-Yahara Neighborhood News Release on Noise Control Recommendations

SASYNA News Release for Airport Noise Control Recommendations,8oct12

  • Noise Control Presentation to Parisi

Neighborhood View – Noise from Dane County Airport Presentation Slides,21feb13

  • 2004 letter to the editor noting the lack of noise abatement funds by then County Exec Kathy Falk.

WSJ,No funds for airport noise control,18may04