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Madison City Council asks Air Force to reconsider option to bring F-35 jets to Madison

Wisconsin State Journal, Sept 18, 2019 – CHRIS HUBBUCH and EMILY HAMER

“After a more than eight-hour meeting Tuesday, the Madison City Council passed a resolution early Wednesday morning asking the Air Force to reconsider potential plans to base a squadron of F-35 jets at Truax Field.

Although the Air Force makes the final decision on whether to place the base in Madison or at four other locations, many residents said they wanted the council to take a stand opposing locating the jets at Truax.

The resolution, which was approved on a 16-3 vote with one abstention, stopped short of completely opposing the F-35s being based in Madison. But it asks the Air Force to pick another location for the jets unless the many adverse impacts that have been predicted for homes near the field are found to be exaggerated or misrepresented.”


Here is how the Council voted:

Green = Districts represented by alders voting against the alternate (and in support of the substitute that says No F-35s)
Red = Districts represented by alders voting in favor of the alternate (which takes no position)

Recording of the 8-1/2 hour meeting and public comments