
F-35s Imperil Infants and Mothers – Mother’s Milk Alliance

Wisconsin State Journal  |  February 29, 2020  |  Alix Loniello 

Mother’s Milk Alliance is a Madison-based organization that facilitates the sharing of breast milk with accessibility to local infants, donor lab testing, safety education and health screening. We have the privilege of seeing families come together to feed local babies. We have seen the power of our community firsthand in hundreds of families.

The landing of the F-35 jet fighters in Madison poses a threat to the safety of breast milk and health of babies.

Neighborhoods near Truax Field could experience more pollution in the form of PFAS, which have been used in firefighting foam at the airport and which seep into the water we drink. According to Physicians for Social Responsibility Wisconsin, studies have shown that “PFAS can be transmitted through breast milk, can affect growth, learning and behavior of infants, can adversely affect the immune and endocrine system and increase the risk of cancer.” These chemicals can delay speech, affect long-term memory and decrease math and reading scores in children. Noise from these planes also is harmful.

Our donors and recipients are from all around Dane County. When one of our communities is affected, we all are at risk.

To learn about the consequences of the F-35s and how to act, including signing the petition and contacting your legislators, go to…

Safe Skies Clean Water Wisconsin Coalition – No F-35s